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Tuolumne General Hospital (sometimes titled "Tuolumne Hospital") is the third episode of Season 8 of Ghost Adventures. Zak, Nick and Aaron explore the abandoned Tuolumne Hospital in Sonora, CA, hoping to encounter spirits of the miners who passed through its doors during the California Gold Rush of 1849.



  • Residual Noises: Doors opening, LOUD crashes, Footsteps
  • Disembodied Speaking: Talking
  • Physical Harm: When Zak is conducting a spirit box session with Ed during the day, he feels sharp pains in right side of his head. When he takes a break, he feels the pain has lifted and he then becomes very emotional about thinking that his pain could have been from a patient who died from a head injury.
  • Spirit Box Voices: "Jacob", "help...patient...", "now get out", "George"
  • Apparition: When Zak, Nick and Aaron were driving to the hospital, Billy and Jay captured an unexplained figure that maps out a head, arms, hands and shoulders on the Kinect cam. It looks as though that the figure is doing operation on near the bed, with its right arm moving very quickly near the IV bag stand.
  • Equipment Malfunction: The digital recorders that Zak and Nick had, have their batteries drained, while in the operation room where the unexplained figure was.
  • Physical Harm: In the operation room, Nick starts to feel sick, and at the same time Aaron starts to feel dizzy.
  • Apparition/Physical Harm: A figure with a head and arms appears at bed beside Nick, on the Kinect cam. It looks as though that the spirit is punching Nick, which leads him to becoming in pain.
  • Apparition/Physical Harm: An orb seems to shoot from the ceiling into Nick's neck, moments later it leaves and disappears. At the same time that Nick feels that energy from the ball of light, he feels the same symptoms as he was feeling when he felt something punch him.
  • Apparition: A ball of light from the right side of the bed, shoots into the spirit box Zak is holding. It may have been possible that the orb may have been what Nick was reacting to which then vanished.
  • EMF Fluctuation: The EM Device on the dummy starts to light up, detecting a change in the electromagnetic field.
  • Moving Object: The monitor for the Kinect cam falls backwards with force, the same time the EM Device starts to flash.
  • Visual Sighting: Aaron thought he saw someone behind the camera will he was in the basement.
  • Possession/Physical Contact: Aaron claimed that when he was in the mental room in the basement, it felt as though that he was the mental patient acting of what they would have done back then.
  • EVPs: "please don't"


Season 8 Episodes
Pioneer SaloonBlack Swan InnTuolumne General HospitalMissouri State PenitentiaryYost Theater & Ritz HotelHaunted Victorian MansionExorcist HouseAlcatrazMustang RanchThornhaven ManorBattle of Perryville