Ghost Adventures Wiki

[[]]==Text Co[[File:Examp[link title]le.jpg]]lor== If you're going to use a black background on the main page, could you please change the text color to white so it can be read more easily?  Nbajammer  Talk  RW  KR  MH  Toku  Kikaider  UM  GZ  TokuFanon  BS  SH  FF  SO  17:01,1/4/2014 

All the text on here is set to white. Can you please provide a screenshot of what specific area you are seeing? Thanks!--Trip 19:52, January 4, 2014 (UTC)

Justin Bold textLink title

It shows black to me.  Nbajammer  Talk  RW  KR  MH  Toku  Kikaider  UM  GZ  TokuFanon  BS  SH  FF  SO  18:57,1/13/2014 

It looks like you are using the Monobook skin. Try switching to the Wikia skin. Go under Preferences and choose your layout as "Wikia" and see if that helps.--Trip 01:08, January 21, 2014 (UTC)

I am using Monobook, but I don't care for the Wikia skin (which does show white). I don't know why it shows the text as black on Monobook though. Think I have a similar issue on another wikia where the text is the wrong color based on Monobook and the site's theme.  Nbajammer  Talk  RW  KR  MH  Toku  Kikaider  UM  GZ  TokuFanon  BS  SH  FF  SO  18:04,1/21/2014 

There are two major hauntings one in my house the other at my grandma's farm my house makes a lot of noises and sometimes I see things the farm was were civil war platoons walked cannonball caravans and delivered them to the union up north I was wondering what I should use to find out if either is haunted there is a ghost in my house only I have seen I call him the gray man he wears all gray and appears occasionally I've seen him 3 times but every time he is completely visible not transparent and says nothing just stands and looks real creepy I usually see him just after I wake up
